Search results - 4 results

Chromatographic impurity fingerprinting of genuine and counterfeit Cialis® as a means to compare the discriminating ability of PDA and MS detection.

classifier (kNN). Both MS1 and MS2 data and data measured at 254 nm and 270 nm were used with the aim to test the potential complementarity of PDA and MS detection. First, it was checked if both groups of ...

Detection and risk evaluation of counterfeit medicines based on physico-chemical properties: the fingerprint and chemometrics approach

profiling and IR spectroscopy to obtain a prime discrimination between genuine and counterfeit Viagra® and Cialis® medicines. Hypothesis testing showed that most illegal samples differ significantly from ...

Evaluation externe de la qualité pour la détection de Toxoplasma gondii par des méthodes de biologie moléculaire

NA (2015) Keywords: 0 2008 a ce conditions de detection Diagnostic moléculaire EEQ EN ET EVALUATION Evaluation externe de la qualité i LE PAR Participation Patient patients performance qualité santé ...

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