Search results - 6 results

Les trajets de soins diabète de type 2 et insuffisance rénale chronique et la qualité des soins (EVACQ)

santé pour les patients pris en charge dans un TS s’inscrit dans la demande d’étude EVACQ (Evaluation of Ambulatory Care Quality), définie dans une convention conclue entre l’Institut National d’Assurance ...

De zorgtrajecten diabetes mellitus type 2 en chronische nierinsufficiëntie en kwaliteit van zorg (EVACQ)

in een ZT kadert in de onderzoeksopdracht EVACQ (Evaluation of Ambulatory Care Quality), vastgelegd in een conventie tussen het Rijksinstituut voor Ziekte- en Invaliditeitsverzekering (RIZIV) en ...

Prophylactic vaccination against human papillomaviruses to prevent cervical cancer and its precursors.

Keywords: clinical efficacy immunogenicity prophylactic HPV vaccines Abstract: This is the protocol for a review and there is no abstract. The objectives are as follows: To evaluate the immunogenicity, ...

Cytological screening for cervical cancer in the province of Limburg, Belgium.

geographical area were evaluated using a database of more than 600 000 Pap smear interpretations between 1996 and 2005. In 2000, 47% of women aged between 25 and 64 years had at least one Pap smear recorded in ...

Quality-controlled small-scale production of a well-defined bacteriophage cocktail for use in human clinical trials.

genes and showed that the selected phages 14/1, PNM and ISP are close relatives of respectively F8, phiKMV and phage G1. The bacteriophage cocktail is currently being evaluated in a pilot clinical study ...

Cost-DALY comparison of hip replacement care in 12 Belgian hospitals

institutions, the average cost (SD) of a stay being €8013 (€4304). Our model allowed us to identify hospitals with observed values higher than those predicted. Out of the 12 hospitals evaluated, 4 need to reduce ...

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