Search results - 5 results

Heat and health in Antwerp under climate change: Projected impacts and implications for prevention.

mortality Heatwaves Abstract: BACKGROUND: Excessive summer heat is a serious environmental health problem in several European cities. Heat-related mortality and morbidity is likely to increase under climate ...

Childhood leukaemia near nuclear sites in Belgium, 2002–2008

aged 0-14 years was observed around one nuclear site that hosted reprocessing activities in the past and where nuclear research activities and radioactive waste treatment are ongoing. Health Topics:  ...

The need for European OneHealth/EcoHealth networks.

, Volume 75 (2017) Keywords: Community of Practice Crosssectorial EcoHealth Europe Interdisciplinarity One Health Transdisciplinarity Abstract: Elaborating from the European One Health/Ecohealth (OH / EH) ...

Cadmium exposure in the population: from health risks to strategies of prevention.

additional relevant exposure route. In view of the insidious etiology of health effects associated with low dose exposure to Cd and the current European Cd intake which is close to the tolerable weekly intake, ...

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