Search results - 6 results

Estimates of the HIV undiagnosed population in Belgium reveals higher prevalence for MSM with foreign nationality and for geographic areas hosting big cities

populations in all areas in terms of undiagnosed prevalence rates. Specifically, men who have sex with men (MSM) with non-European nationality were the most affected population in the province of Antwerp (853.4 ...

Prevalence of drug use during sex amongst MSM in Europe: Results from a multi-site bio-behavioural survey.

prevention needs. METHODS / DESIGN: A multi-site bio-behavioural cross-sectional survey was implemented in 13 European cities, targeting MSM and using Time-Location Sampling and Respondent-Driven Sampling methods ...

Bio-behavioural HIV and STI surveillance among men who have sex with men in Europe: the Sialon II protocols.

public health issue in Europe and elsewhere. There is an emerging and progressively urgent need to harmonise HIV and STI behavioural surveillance among MSM across European countries through the adoption of ...

TOGETHER Project to Increase Understanding of the HIV Epidemic Among Sub-Saharan African Migrants: Protocol of Community-Based Participatory Mixed-Method Studies

methods, this project provides the first HIV prevalence estimates for a representative sample of SAM residing in a West European city. By triangulating qualitative and quantitative insights, the project will ...

International mobility, sexual behaviour and HIV-related characteristics of men who have sex with men residing in Belgium.

European men who have sex with men (MSM) continue to be disproportionally affected by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Several factors are contributing to the rates of new HIV infections among MSM. ...

A venue-based HIV prevalence and behavioural study among men who have sex with men in Antwerp and Ghent, Flanders, Belgium, October 2009 to March 2010.

study in Belgium and the results constitute the evidence base for local, targeted interventions. Furthermore, our findings underscore the need for European cross-border cooperation to prevent HIV ...

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