Search results - 2 results

Towards facilitated interpretation of shotgun metagenomics long-read sequencing data analyzed with KMA for the detection of bacterial pathogens and their antimicrobial resistance genes

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Mathieu Gand; Navickaite, Indre; Bartsch, Lee-Julia; Grützke, Josephine; Overballe-Petersen, Søren; Rasmussen, Astrid; Otani, Saria; Michelacci, Valeria; Matamoros, Bosco Rodríguez; González-Zorn ...

Cyanotoxins and Food Contamination in Developing Countries: Review of Their Types, Toxicity, Analysis, Occurrence and Mitigation Strategies

the detection of microcystins using different analytical methods. The detected levels mostly surpassed the provisional tolerable daily intake limit set by the World Health Organization, indicating ...

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