Search results - 6 results

Bluetongue, Schmallenberg- what is next? Culicoides-borne viral diseases in the 21st Century.

diverse backgrounds in vector ecology, epidemiology, entomology, virology, animal health, modelling, and genetics. Here, we report on the key findings of this workshop. Health Topics:  Animal health Santé ...

Zoonoses in pet birds: review and perspectives.

families often do (which is a lucrative business for pet shops or local breeders) or traded (sometimes illegally) for their very high genetic or exotic value, these birds, commonly canaries, parakeets or ...

Quasispecies nature of an unusual avian paramyxovirus type-1 isolated from pigeons.

isolated from sick, unvaccinated pigeons, it was not grouped with pigeon variants regarding its antigenic and genetic characterisation. We analysed its quasispecies nature by cloning and sequencing parts of ...

Replicative fitness recuperation of a recombinant murine norovirus- reciprocity of genetic shift and drift.

Source: J Gen Virol, Volume 101, Issue 5 (2020) Keywords: Animals Caliciviridae Infections Cell Line DNA, Complementary Follow-Up Studies Genetic Drift Genome, Viral mice Norovirus Point Mutation RAW 264.7 ...

Overview of spatio-temporal distribution inferred by multi-locus sequence typing of Taylorella equigenitalis isolated worldwide from 1977 to 2018 in equidae

strains were divided into 49 sequence types (ST s), including 10 described for the first time. Three major and three minor clonal complexes (CC s), and 11 singletons, were identified. The genetic ...

Isolation of Drug-Resistant Gallibacterium anatis from Calves with Unresponsive Bronchopneumonia, Belgium.

predicted plasmids. Single-nucleotide polymorphism genotyping revealed large genetic variation between the G. anatis isolates, including isolates retrieved from the same farm. G. anatis might play a hitherto ...

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