Search results - 6 results

Detection and risk evaluation of counterfeit medicines based on physico-chemical properties: the fingerprint and chemometrics approach

physico-chemical properties risk evaluation Abstract: Counterfeit medicines pose a global threat to public health; both developing and industrialized countries are exposed to pharmaceutical forgery. These products ...

Testing of complementarity of PDA and MS detectors using chromatographic fingerprinting of genuine and counterfeit samples containing sildenafil citrate.

Processing, Computer-Assisted Sildenafil Citrate Abstract: Counterfeit medicines are a global threat to public health. High amounts enter the European market, which is why characterization of these products is ...

The accuracy of guided surgery via mucosa-supported stereolithographic surgical templates in the hands of surgeons with little experience.

Periodontology 2014; doi:10.1111/jcpe.12231). RESULTS: The global deviation at the coronal and apical point was 0.9 mm (SD 0.5) and 1.1 mm (SD 0.5), respectively. Depth deviations were 0.5 mm (SD 0.5) and 1.1 mm ...

Analysis of illegal peptide biopharmaceuticals frequently encountered by controlling agencies.

demonstrated by numerous case reports. The Belgian Federal Agency for Medicines and Health Products (FAMHP) and customs are striving, together with their global counterparts, to curtail the trafficking and ...

Headspace-gas chromatographic fingerprints to discriminate and classify counterfeit medicines.

Sulfonamides Tadalafil Abstract: Counterfeit medicines are a global threat to public health. These pharmaceuticals are not subjected to quality control and therefore their safety, quality and efficacy cannot be ...

Physical profiling and IR spectroscopy: simple and effective methods to discriminate between genuine and counterfeit samples of Viagra® and Cialis®.

Spectrophotometry, Infrared Tablets Tadalafil Abstract: Counterfeit medicines are a global threat to public health. High amounts enter the European market, enforcing the need for simple techniques to help customs ...

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