Search results - 29 results

Hepatitis E virus in pork meat products and exposure assessment in Belgium

Steven Van Gucht Source: International Journal of Food Microbiology, Volume 397 (2023) Health Topics:  Food consumption and food safety Consommation et sécurité alimentaires Voedselconsumptie en ...

Global change in hepatitis C virus prevalence and cascade of care between 2015 and 2020: a modelling study.

Health Topics:  Hepatitis A, B, C, D and E Hépatites A, B, C, D et E Hepatitis A, B, C, D en E Manuscript versions:  Version:  Published Full text access:  Public Access Full text language:  English ...

Viral clade is associated with severity of symptomatic genotype 3 Hepatitis E virus infections in Belgium, 2010-2018.

Journal of Hepatology, Volume 78, Issue 1 (2022) Health Topics:  Hepatitis A, B, C, D and E Hépatites A, B, C, D et E Hepatitis A, B, C, D en E Service:  Maladies virales Virale ziekten Viral diseases ...

Hepatitis C virus prevalence in Belgium

C population estimate Seroprevalence Abstract: Reliable hepatitis C prevalence estimates are crucial for a good follow-up of the indicators to eliminate hepatitis by 2030 as set by the World Health Organization. ...

Hepatitis C virus prevalence in Belgium

C population estimate Seroprevalence Abstract: Reliable hepatitis C prevalence estimates are crucial for a good follow-up of the indicators to eliminate hepatitis by 2030 as set by the World Health Organization. ...

Challenges to Differentiate Hepatitis C Genotype 1 and 6: Results from A Field-Study in Cambodia.

hepatitis C coinfection in HIV patients in Cambodia ( HCV-Epi NCT02361541). Health Topics:  Hepatitis A, B, C, D and E Hépatites A, B, C, D et E Hepatitis A, B, C, D en E Service:  ...

Voedsel-en watergerelateerde infectieziekten, epidemiologische verslag, data 2017-2018

Publication Type: Sci. report, recommendat°, guidance doc., directive, monograph Authors: Stéphanie Jacquinet; Dieter Van Cauteren; Sofieke Klamer; Javiera Rebolledo Source: p.14 (2020) Health ...

infections liées aux aliments et à l'eau, synthèse épidémiologique, data 2017-2018

Publication Type: Sci. report, recommendat°, guidance doc., directive, monograph Authors: Stéphanie Jacquinet; Dieter Van Cauteren; Sofieke Klamer; Javiera Rebolledo Source: p.14 (2020) Health ...

Epidemiologische surveillance van hepatitis B- 2018

Health Topics:  Hepatitis A, B, C, D and E Hépatites A, B, C, D et E Hepatitis A, B, C, D en E Service:  Épidémiologie des maladies infectieuses Epidemiologie van infectieziekten Epidemiology of infectious ...

Surveillance épidémiologique de l’hépatite B- 2018

objectifs la réduction de 90 % du nombre de nouveaux cas et la réduction de 65 % le nombre de décès dus à l’hépatite virale d’ici 2030 (par rapport à 2015). Health Topics:  Hepatitis A, B, C, D and ...

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