Search results - 9 results

The health and economic impact of acute gastroenteritis in Belgium, 2010-2014

the societal health and economic impact of AGE. We conducted a retrospective study using mortality and cause-of-death data, hospital data, primary care data, health interview survey data and other ...

The seroprevalence of cytomegalovirus infection in Belgium anno 2002 and 2006: a comparative analysis with hepatitis A virus seroprevalence

differs from the immunizing infection HAV. This was the first large-scale study of CMV and HAV serial datasets in Belgium, estimating seroprevalence specified by age and birth cohort. Health Topics:  Health ...

Burden and Risk Assessment of Foodborne Disease

Campylobacter or Salmonella may result in disabling complications, long-term health outcomes, or even death. Furthermore, foodborne hazards include a broad range of microbiological and chemical agents, several of ...

Global burden of intellectual disability resulting from prenatal exposure to methylmercury, 2015

geographically related. The priority given to reducing this burden can therefore be expected to vary considerably by subregion depending on other health needs. Health Topics:  Health and disease monitoring ...

Global burden of late-stage chronic kidney disease resulting from dietary exposure to cadmium, 2015

reduce dietary exposure will result a positive public health impact. This would be particularly the case in areas with elevated levels of dietary cadmium. Health Topics:  Health and disease monitoring ...

An awkward fishing expedition

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: L. Marissiaux; M-L Scippo; Daube,G.; Sarah Denayer; N Botteldoorn; S. Gobert; B. Scholtes; Ghuysen, A. Source: Acta Anæsthesiologica Belgica, Volume 69 n° 2 (2018) Keywords: histamine fish poison ...

Use of next‐generation sequencing in microbial risk assessment

assessment MinION MiSeq nanopore sequencing next generation sequencing Abstract: Despite the ever increase in rigorous control and monitoring measures to assure safe food along the entire farm‐to‐fork chain, ...

A pan-European ring trial to validate an International Standard for detection of Vibrio cholerae, Vibrio parahaemolyticus and Vibrio vulnificus in seafoods

Voedseltoxi-infecties (toxi-)infection alimentaire (TIA) Health and disease monitoring Surveillance de la santé et des maladies Ziekten en gezondheid in kaart brengen Service:  Pathogènes alimentaires Voedselpathogenen ...

Trypanosoma cruzi: Time for international recognition as a foodborne parasite

Diseases, Volume 10, Issue 6 (2016) Keywords: Foodborne disease Trypanosoma cruzi Health Topics:  Food-borne illness Health and disease monitoring Voedseltoxi-infecties (toxi-)infection alimentaire (TIA) ...

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