Search results - 31 results

Hepatitis E virus in pork meat products and exposure assessment in Belgium

–veiligheid Hepatitis A, B, C, D and E Hépatites A, B, C, D et E Hepatitis A, B, C, D en E Manuscript versions:  DOI: File:  Version:  Published Full text ...

Global change in hepatitis C virus prevalence and cascade of care between 2015 and 2020: a modelling study.

Hepatitis A Hepatitis C Humans Infant, Newborn Pandemics prevalence Viremia Abstract: BACKGROUND: Since the release of the first global hepatitis elimination targets in 2016, and until the COVID-19 pandemic ...

Viral clade is associated with severity of symptomatic genotype 3 Hepatitis E virus infections in Belgium, 2010-2018.

Journal of Hepatology, Volume 78, Issue 1 (2022) Health Topics:  Hepatitis A, B, C, D and E Hépatites A, B, C, D et E Hepatitis A, B, C, D en E Service:  Maladies virales Virale ziekten Viral diseases ...

Prevalence Estimation Of HCV Among People Who Inject Drugs In Belgium Through Respondent Driven Sampling, Capture-Recapture And Multiplier Method

Publication Type: Scientific poster, presentation or proceeding Authors: E Plettinckx; L Van Baelen Source: International Network on Health and Hepatitis in Substance Users (INHSU), Arud Centres for ...

Hepatitis C virus prevalence in Belgium

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: L Van Baelen; Johan Van der Heyden Source: Experimental Results, Volume 2 (2021) Keywords: Belgium cross-sectional study Hepatitis ...

Hepatitis C virus prevalence in Belgium

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: L Van Baelen; Johan Van der Heyden Source: Experimental Results, Volume 2 (2021) Keywords: Belgium cross-sectional study Hepatitis ...

Challenges to Differentiate Hepatitis C Genotype 1 and 6: Results from A Field-Study in Cambodia.

Lynen; Steven Van Gucht; Benoît Kabamba Mukadi Source: Infect Dis Ther, Volume 9, Issue 3 (2020) Keywords: Genotype Hepatitis C Abstract: INTRODUCTION: We aim to report on results and challenges of ...

Voedsel-en watergerelateerde infectieziekten, epidemiologische verslag, data 2017-2018

Topics:  Hepatitis A, B, C, D and E Hépatites A, B, C, D et E Hepatitis A, B, C, D en E Shigellosis Shigellose Shigellose Pathogene E. coli Pathogenic E. coli E. coli pathogènes Listeriosis Listeriose ...

infections liées aux aliments et à l'eau, synthèse épidémiologique, data 2017-2018

Topics:  Hepatitis A, B, C, D and E Hépatites A, B, C, D et E Hepatitis A, B, C, D en E Shigellosis Shigellose Shigellose Pathogene E. coli Pathogenic E. coli E. coli pathogènes Listeriosis Listeriose ...

Epidemiologische surveillance van hepatitis B- 2018

Hepatitis B Surveillance Abstract:  In 2018 hebben de peillaboratoria 2116 nieuwe gevallen van actieve infectie met het hepatitis B virus (HBV) gemeld, een iets hoger aantal dan tijdens de twee jaren voordien ...

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