Search results - 62 results

Scientific Opinion of the EFSA Panel on Plant Protection Products and their Residues (PPR) on Guidance on dermal absorption

products. It is based onthe opinion on the science behind the revision of the guidance document on dermal absorption (EFSA,2011) to which the guidance refers to in many instances. Basic details of ...

Characterization of new Alternaria alternata--specific rat monoclonal antibodies.

yeast)-soluble extracts prepared from strains grown in the laboratory. Moreover, this A1-based sandwich ELISA detected its cognate epitope in air and dust samples obtained from dwellings. The third antibody, E5, ...

Mutagenicity, antimutagenicity and cytotoxicity evaluation of South African Podocarpus species

metabolic activation. All extracts demonstrated a strong antimutagenic effect on the mutations induced by 4NQO, decreasing its mutagenic effect in a dose-dependent manner. Strong cytotoxic effects were ...

Short rotation coppice culture of willows and poplars as energy crops on metal contaminated agricultural soils.

phytoextraction in this particular case it would take at least 36 years to reach the legal threshold values for cadmium, but in combination with production of feedstock for bioenergy processes, this type of land ...

Cadmium exposure in the population: from health risks to strategies of prevention.

one should not underestimate the importance of the recent epidemiological evidence on Cd toxicity as to its medical and public health implications. Health Topics:  Health and environment Santé et ...

Surrogate species selection for assessing potential adverse environmental impacts of genetically engineered insect-resistant plants on non-target organisms

non-target organisms (NTO s), i.e., organisms not intended to be controlled by the trait. In many cases, impacts to NTO s are assessed using surrogate species, and it is critical that the data derived from ...

The co-existence between transgenic and non-transgenic maize in the European Union: a focus on pollen flow and cross-fertilization

of GM material in non- GM produce, and member states are elaborating legal frames to cope with co-existence. As maize is a cross-pollinated crop relying on wind for the dispersal of its pollen, ...

Quality of laboratory studies assessing effects of Bt-proteins on non-target organisms: minimal criteria for acceptability

of criteria determining their relevance and reliability. As a case-study, this exercise revealed that when not all quality criteria are met, weighing the robustness of the study and its relevance for ...

Lessons learned from Chernobyl and Fukushima on thyroid cancer screening and recommendations in case of a future nuclear accident.

affected populations; thyroid health monitoring should however be made available to persons who request it (regardless of whether they are at increased risk or not), accompanied with appropriate information ...

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