Search results - 69 results

Physical characteristics of the back are not predictive of low back pain in healthy workers: a prospective study.

back. One year later, they completed a questionnaire on the occurrence of LBP and some of its characteristics. To study the respective role of predictors at baseline on the occurrence of LBP, we opted for ...

Bringing scientists to the people--the Co-Extra website.

make informed decisions about appropriate uses of biotechnology products. It is also one of the major objectives of Co-Extra, a European-funded project addressing co-existence of genetically modified ...

An objective method for the evaluation of eye irritation in vivo.

Diseases Inflammation Irritants Keratitis Rabbits Ultrasonics Abstract: It is generally agreed that intra- and interlaboratory variations in the evaluation of eye irritants are mainly due to the subjective ...

Surrogate species selection for assessing potential adverse environmental impacts of genetically engineered insect-resistant plants on non-target organisms

non-target organisms (NTO s), i.e., organisms not intended to be controlled by the trait. In many cases, impacts to NTO s are assessed using surrogate species, and it is critical that the data derived from ...

The co-existence between transgenic and non-transgenic maize in the European Union: a focus on pollen flow and cross-fertilization

of GM material in non- GM produce, and member states are elaborating legal frames to cope with co-existence. As maize is a cross-pollinated crop relying on wind for the dispersal of its pollen, ...

Genetic modification through oligonucleotide-mediated mutagenesis. A GMO regulatory challenge?

regulated under the GMO regulatory framework only if it has been developed with the use of defined techniques. This approach is now challenged with the emergence of new techniques. In this paper, we describe ...

Quality of laboratory studies assessing effects of Bt-proteins on non-target organisms: minimal criteria for acceptability

of criteria determining their relevance and reliability. As a case-study, this exercise revealed that when not all quality criteria are met, weighing the robustness of the study and its relevance for ...

Lessons learned from Chernobyl and Fukushima on thyroid cancer screening and recommendations in case of a future nuclear accident.

affected populations; thyroid health monitoring should however be made available to persons who request it (regardless of whether they are at increased risk or not), accompanied with appropriate information ...

How many replicators does it take to achieve reliability? Investigating researcher variability in a crowdsourced replication

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Nate Breznau; Eike Mark Rinke; Alexander Wuttke; Elena Damian Source: (2023) Health Topics:  Health and environment Santé et environnement Gezondheid en milieu Manuscript versions:  DOI:  https:/ ...

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