Search results - 23 results

Epidemiological Dynamics of Foot-and-Mouth Disease in the Horn of Africa: The Role of Virus Diversity and Animal Movement.

pastoralist. It faces countless problems, such as a shortage of pastures and watering points, poor access to veterinary services, and multiple endemic diseases like foot-and-mouth disease (FMD). Foot-and-mouth ...

Report on initial findings of on-site diagnostic tests and IT solutions for human clinical, veterinary and environmental samples for early warning of emerging resistant pathogens

Publication Type: Sci. report, recommendat°, guidance doc., directive, monograph Authors: Manal AbuOun; Indre Navickaite; Thomas I. Wilkes; Marco Di Domenico; Giuliano Garofolo; Bram Bloemen; Mathieu Gand; Nancy Roosens; Kevin Vanneste; Sigrid C.J. De Kee ...

Tick-Borne Encephalitis Virus Prevalence in Sheep, Wild Boar and Ticks in Belgium.

lacking, and no studies have assessed its seroprevalence in sheep. Serum samples of 480 sheep from all over Belgium and 831 wild boar hunted in Flanders (northern Belgium) were therefore screened for TBEV ...

First Belgian Report of Ertapenem Resistance in an ST11 Klebsiella Pneumoniae Strain Isolated from a Dog Carrying blaSCO-1 and blaDHA-1 Combined with Permeability Defects

plasmid is worrisome as it can increase the risk of transmission to humans, to animals and to the environment. Health Topics:  Health and disease monitoring Surveillance de la santé et des maladies Ziekten ...

[Foot and mouth disease virus: transmission, pathogenesis, diagnosis and surveillance].

Virus Serogroup Abstract: Foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) is one of the most contagious viral animal diseases. It is an old disease which still poses a permanent threat of re-emergence for free zones. ...

The history of foot-and-mouth disease virus serotype C: the first known extinct serotype?Abstract

Kenya, in 2004. This article describes the historical distribution and origins of serotype C and its disappearance. The serotype was first described in Europe in the 1920s, where it mainly affected pigs ...

Reliability of Morphological and PCR Methods for the Official Diagnosis of Aethina tumida (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae): A European Inter-Laboratory Comparison.

The Small Hive Beetle (Murray, 1867) is an invasive scavenger of honeybees. Originally endemic in sub-Saharan Africa, it is regulated internationally in order to preserve the areas still free from this ...

Metagenomic sequencing determines complete infectious bronchitis virus (avian Gammacoronavirus) vaccine strain genomes and associated viromes in chicken clinical samples.

identified both fixed and minor frequency variations in the tissue sample compared to its in ovo-passaged virus. Metagenomic methods allow the determination of complete coronavirus genomes from clinical ...

Detection of Clinical and Subclinical Lumpy Skin Disease Using Ear Notch Testing and Skin Biopsies.

investigate ear notches and biopsies from unaffected skin taken from the neck and dorsal back as alternatives to blood samples. It was concluded that for early LSD confirmation, normal skin biopsies and ear ...

Case Report: Multidrug Resistant Raoultella ornithinolytica in a Septicemic Calf

report characterizing a multidrug resistant isolate from blood culture in cattle. It is currently unknown whether animals and farms may act as reservoirs for multidrug resistant strains. Health Topics:  ...

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