Search results - 40 results

An innovative and integrated approach based on DNA walking to identify unauthorised GMOs

unauthorised GMO s is assessed by the qPCR SYBR ®Green technology targeting the terminator 35S pCAMBIA element. Second, its presence is confirmed via the characterisation of the junction between the transgenic ...

Evaluation of a screening system for obesogenic compounds: screening of endocrine disrupting compounds and evaluation of the PPAR dependency of the effect.

step, a range of EDC s, used in personal and household care products (parabens, musks, phthalates and alkylphenol compounds), were tested to further evaluate the obesogenicity screening assay for its ...

Mild iodine deficiency in pregnancy in Europe and its consequences for cognitive and psychomotor development of children: a review.

iodine deficient areas, iodine deficiency during pregnancy frequently appears in case the maternal thyroid gland cannot meet the demand for increasing production of thyroid hormones (TH) and its effect may ...

Transmission Dynamics of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus in Pigs.

other livestock. In Europe and North America, clonal complex (CC) 398 appears to be the predominant lineage involved. Especially worrisome is its capacity to contaminate humans in close contact with ...

Intake and dietary sources of haem and non-haem iron among European adolescents and their association with iron status and different lifestyle and socio-economic factors.

BACKGROUND / OBJECTIVES: Adolescents are at risk of iron deficiency because of their high iron requirements. The aims of this study were: (1) to assess iron intake, its determinants and its most important food ...

Iron status and its determinants in a nationally representative sample of pregnant women.

status and its determinants were assessed in a representative sample of Belgian pregnant women. Blood samples were collected and a questionnaire was completed face-to-face. Hemoglobin (Hb) and mean cell ...

Exposure to domoic acid through shellfish consumption in Belgium.

gastrointestinal symptoms and neurological signs. However it is assumed that there might be some chronic problems with repetitive exposures to the toxin in animals. In humans this is greatly unknown and it is mostly ...

Determinants of folate status in pregnant women: results from a national cross-sectional survey in Belgium.

trimesters, folate status increased significantly with education level and was significantly higher among women who planned the pregnancy and who did not smoke. CONCLUSIONS: It was found that 39% of the first ...

Fortification of bread with iodized salt corrected iodine deficiency in school-aged children, but not in their mothers: a national cross-sectional survey in Belgium.

Ultrasonography Abstract: BACKGROUND: In the years 1985-1998, it was noted that mild iodine deficiency (MID) was a public health problem in Belgium. Therefore, an agreement was signed in 2009 between the bakery ...

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