Search results - 6 results

Development of strain-level shotgun metagenomics approaches to detect and characterize microbiological contaminants in the context of food safety

have always been analyzed and characterized after isolation. Since the advent of second generation sequencing, it has been possible to characterize the complete genome of these isolates to the SNP level ...

Development, Validation and Application of a Targeted LC-MS Method for Quantification of Microcystins and Nodularin: Towards a Better Characterization of Drinking Water

well-functioning society. However, due to climate change and pollution, access to safe freshwater sources diminishes. Increasing salinization, increasing sea levels and the presence of organic and non-organic ...

METROFOOD-RI: Pilot services with physical, remote and virtual access

efficiency in food quality and food safety. It strives to provide and coordinate high-level metrological services on a European scale for researchers, laboratories, food inspection agencies and policymakers. ...

Simultaneous determination of parabens, bisphenols and alkylphenols in human placenta by ultra-high performance liquid chromatography- tandem mass spectrometry

methods using spiked samples at three concentration levels (0.5-5 and 25 ng g−1). The parameters accuracy and precision fulfill the criteria. Calibration curves are linear between 0.5 and 50 ng −1. The ...

Short-term effect of pollen and spore exposure on allergy morbidity in the Brussels-Capital Region.

day of the week. We observed an augmentation in drug sales despite no significant increase in allergen levels in the long term. The relative risk of buying allergy medications associated with an ...

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