Search results - 1036 results

Benchmarking the nutrition-related commitments and practices of major French food companies.

reformulation, labelling, marketing, and accessibility, the ‘Business Impact Assessment on Obesity and population-level nutrition’ (BIA-Obesity) was applied. A total of 33 French food companies were selected using ...

Strength of EU-level food environment policies and priority recommendations to create healthy food environments.

European Union (EU)-level policies, and identify and prioritize actions for the EU to create healthy food environments. METHODS: The Healthy Food Environment Policy Index (Food- EPI) was applied. The Food- ...

Implementation level of best practice policies by Italian Government for healthier food environments: Healthy Food Environment Policy Index (Food-EPI).

organizations publications and websites and via direct contact with Government officials. RESULTS: The highest level of evidence was found within five domains: food composition (2/2 indicators), labelling (¾), ...

Accumulation-depuration potential and natural occurrence of Microcystin-LR toxin in basil

LOQ (1 µg kg-1) in one market sample. These results show the potential of basil to accumulate MC- LR from irrigation water, potentially resulting in human exposure to high levels of toxin. For the first ...

Collaborative development of an innovative provocation protocol in studying electrohypersensitivity

Some of their characteristics are summarized in Table 1, based on informal interviews. A dedicated questionnaire is developed to assess the level of sensitivity, the confidence of being sensitive to ...

Thyroid Cancer Incidence around the Belgian Nuclear Sites, 2000-2014.

hypothesis tests and generalized additive models were performed to test the hypothesis of a gradient in thyroid cancer incidence with increasing levels of surrogate exposures. Residential proximity to the ...

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