Search results - 19 results

Potential impact fractions of body mass index reductions on the non-communicable disease burden in Belgium using G-computation

is therefore vital to reduce premature mortality from NCD s. This study aims to assess the relative contribution of overweight as a risk factor for NCD s and the potential health impact of four BMI ...

The effectiveness of food system policies to improve nutrition, nutrition-related inequalities and environmental sustainability: a scoping review

provide good-quality evidence on food systems policies/interventions, in particular in the food supply chains domain. Research to fill this knowledge gap is needed. Health Topics:  Lifestyle risk factors ...

A healthy lifestyle is positively associated with mental health and well-being and core markers in ageing

A one-point increment in the lifestyle score was associated with lower odds (ranging from 0.56 to 0.74) for all studied mental health outcomes and with a 1.74% (95% CI: 0.11, 3.40%) longer TL and 4.07% (95% CI: ...

Estimating risk factor attributable burden – challenges and potential solutions when using the comparative risk assessment methodology

Source: Archives of Public Health, Volume 80, Issue 1 (2022) Keywords: burden of disease Comparative risk assessment Disability-Adjusted Life Years health impact assessment population health Abstract: ...

Variation in smoking attributable all-cause mortality across municipalities in Belgium, 2018: application of a Bayesian approach for small area estimations

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Polina Putrik; Martina Otavova; Christel Faes; Brecht Devleesschauwer Source: BMC Public Health, Volume 22, Issue 1 (2022) Keywords: ...

COVID-19 and people who use drugs: Impact of the pandemic on general anxiety and depressive disorders among adults in Belgium.

disproportionally affected by COVID-19. Health care providers should be attentive to substance use as an indicator for increased risk of mental health problems. Health Topics:  Illicit drugs Lifestyle risk factors ...

Women's views on barriers and facilitators for seeking alcohol and drug treatment in Belgium.

users, as well as gender-sensitivity within prevention and awareness-raising campaigns, reducing the stigma and facilitating knowledge and awareness among women and society. Health Topics:  Lifestyle risk ...

When clozapine appears at a dance event…

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Lisbeth Patteet; Maudens, K; Wille, Sarah; Peter Blanckaert; Neels, Hugo; Paul Calle Source: Acta Clinica Belgica (2019) Health Topics:  ...

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