Search results - 29 results

A probabilistic approach for risk-benefit assessment of food substitutions: A case study on substituting meat by fish

substituting red and processed meat with fish in the Danish adult population and the variability in health impact. We applied probabilistic approaches in modeling the substitution to reflect variability between ...

Habitual food consumption of the Belgian population in 2014-2015 and adherence to food-based dietary guidelines

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Sarah Bel; Karin De Ridder; Thérésa Lebacq; Cloë Ost; Teppers, Eveline; Koenraad Cuypers; Jean Tafforeau Source: Archives of Public Health, Volume 77, Issue 1 (2019) Health Topics:  Food consumpt ...

Improving Burden of Disease and Source Attribution Estimates

intervention strategies and preventing and reducing the burden of diseases in a population. This chapter outlines areas of improvement that would lead to improved estimates including enhancing foodborne disease ...

Risk to human health related to the presence of perfluorooctane sulfonic acid and perfluorooctanoic acid in food

PFOS and 6 ng/kg bw per week for PFOA. For both compounds, exposure of a considerable proportion of the population exceeds the proposed TWI s. Health Topics:  Food consumption and food safety ...

Generating the evidence for risk reduction: a contribution to the future of food-based dietary guidelines.

diseases. As a consequence, food-based dietary guidelines (FBDG) are now the preferred approach to guide the population regarding their dietary habits. However, such guidelines should be based on a high grade ...

Investigating the risk-benefit balance of substituting red and processed meat with fish in a Danish diet.

guidelines recommend the Danish population to increase the consumption of fish while decreasing the consumption of red and processed meat to prevent nutrition-related diseases. However, the presence of ...

zDALY: An adjusted indicator to estimate the burden of zoonotic diseases.

populations, or for an individual, is frequently estimated in terms of one of a number of Health Adjusted Life Years (HALY s). The Disability Adjusted Life Year (DALY) is a widely accepted HALY metric and is ...

Development and performance assessment of a luminex xMAP® direct hybridization assay for the detection and identification of indoor air fungal contamination.

monitored using classical protocols based on culturing. However, this culture dependency could influence the representativeness of the fungal population detected in an analyzed sample as this includes the ...

Assessment of dietary intake of 10 intense sweeteners by the Italian population.

whether the Italian general population (aged >3-65+) was at risk for exceeding the Acceptable Daily Intake (ADI) of 10 intense sweeteners. A food label survey was performed in Rome (Italy), using market ...

The added value of food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) information to estimate the usual food intake based on repeated 24-hour recalls

the usual dietary intake of foods in a population generally ignore the additional information on the never-consumers. The objective of this study is to determine the added value of Food Frequency ...

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