Search results - 13 results

The EMPCAN study: protocol of a population-based cohort study on the evolution of the socio-economic position of workers with cancer

the working age population (16–64 years). There is a strong need to assess and understand their reintegration on the labour market, which underlines and ensures their social integration and quality of ...

Cervical morbidity in Alsace, France: results from a regional organized cervical cancer screening program.

Alsace before the human papillomavirus vaccinated population reaches the age of screening. Data on cervical lesions and cancers were collected by EVE for the period September 2008 to August 2011 from ...

Detecting cervical precancer and reaching underscreened women by using HPV testing on self samples: updated meta-analyses.

review: study population included women who were irregularly or never screened; women in the self sampling arm (intervention arm) were invited to collect a self sample for hrHPV testing; women in the ...

Clinical Evaluation of INNO-LiPA HPV Genotyping II Assay Using the VALGENT Framework.

hrHPV determined by INNO-LiPA was 17.1% (95% CI, 15.0⁻19.2%) in the screening population. HrHPV testing with INNO-LiPA had a sensitivity for CIN2 + of 96.9% (95% CI, 92.1⁻99.1%) which was non-inferior to ...

The use of the permanent sample (eps) to study the returnto- work after cancer. Challenges and opportunities for research

Approximately 40 % of new cancer cases are diagnosed every year in the working age population (20-64 years). Maintaining their quality of life results, among others, in their retain on the labour market. Even ...

Ethnicity impacts the cystic fibrosis diagnosis: A note of caution.

pillars. These findings have implications for clinical practice in the increasingly ethnically diverse Western population. Health Topics:  Quality of healthcare Qualité des soins de santé Kwaliteit van de ...

Declining offloading rates in Belgian Recognized Diabetic Foot Clinics (RDFC): results from an audit-feedback quality improvement initiative.

off-loading techniques around the ulcer (felt, orthoses). 4. No off-loading. In case of multiple means of off-loading, the most elaborate one was selected. Results /Discussion: Population characteristics in ...

Management and 6-month outcome of patients with diabetic foot problems: results from a nationwide quality improvement initiative between 2005 and 2014

not been documented between 2005 and 2014, although the short-term outcomes are good for a population with deep DFU s and high comorbidity burden. Health Topics:  Suikerziekte Quality of healthcare ...

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