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Public Health Triangulation to inform decision-making in Belgium.

have been accepted by experts and stakeholders. We also produced timely recommendations for the decision-making process, four years after the start of the care trajectory program. Health Topics:  Health ...

Contribution of chronic diseases to the mild and severe disability burden in Belgium.

its costs to the health care systems. Chronic diseases are the main causes of physical disability and their simultaneous occurrence in the population can impact the disablement process, resulting in ...

How well do physical activity questions perform? A European cognitive testing study.

C Source: Arch Public Health, Volume 73, p.57 (2015) Abstract: BACKGROUND: Only few studies have focused on the cognitive processes of the respondents that are involved when answering physical activity ...

Development of the European Health Interview Survey- Physical Activity Questionnaire (EHIS-PAQ) to monitor physical activity in the European Union.

Survey (EHIS). This article presents the EHIS- PAQ and describes its development and evaluation processes. METHODS: Research institutes from Belgium, Estonia and Germany participated in the Improvement of ...

EPR-based, quality-related process parameters: a nationwide assessment.

determine whether or not primary care EPR-based data can be used to measure specific process parameters that can then, in turn, be used to assess the quality of care provided to chronic patients. We analysed ...

Methodological basics and evolution of the Belgian health interview survey 1997-2008.

non-proportional stratification at the regional level, necessitates the use of weights. The BHIS is progressively embedded in the European Health Survey, a process that doesn’t jeopardise the comparability of the ...

Environmental and genomic factors as well as interventions influencing smoking cessation: a systematic review of reviews and a proposed working model.

making use of previous models of SC and applying an iterative process of discussion and re-examination by the authors. RESULTS: We confirmed the importance of the 4 main factors influencing SC: (1) ...

Variations in catheter-related bloodstream infections rates based on local practices.

ICU C had the highest documentation rate but was assisted by support available from the laboratory for processing single CNS positive blood cultures. With the exclusion of clinical criterion, CRBSI ...

Prevention of ventilator-associated pneumonia in intensive care units: an international online survey.

guidelines for VAP prevention, and (2) measurement of process and outcomes, under the assumption “if you cannot measure it, you cannot improve it”; as well as attitudes towards the implementation of ...

A multifaceted study of Pseudomonas aeruginosa shutdown by virulent podovirus LUZ19

genes which can shut down or redirect bacterial processes in a very efficient way, which can be exploited towards antibacterial design. In this context, we initiated a study of the human opportunistic ...

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