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Search results - 40 results

Surveillance de la mortalité toutes causes confondues en Belgique, Flandre, Wallonie et Bruxelles durant les hivers 2020-2021 et 2021-2022. Be-MOMO: the Belgian Mortality Monitoring.

000 habitants). Lorsque l’on prend en compte la distribution de la population par âge et par sexe, et que nous observons les taux de mortalité standardisés, nous constatons que la Wallonie reste en tête avec un ...

NATIONAL SURVEILLANCE OF SARS-COV-2 IN WASTEWATER- How does WBE contribute to the global epidemiologic assessment in Belgium? (September 2020 – 2024)

circulation in a population, since people infected by COVID-19 excrete particles of SARS-CoV-2 in wastewater. The circulation of SARS-CoV-2 in the Belgian population is monitored since September 2020 by taking ...

A One-Health approach to monitoring antimicrobial consumption in Belgium 2012-2021

Prevention and Control. The data were [2] converted to the mass of active compound and aggregated by antimicrobial class. Annual human biomass in Belgium was estimated from Eurostat population demography data ...

Virological surveillance of influenza in Belgium, season 2019-2020

Respiratory  samples were also analysed for other respiratory viruses. In the ILI population,  70 % of the patients were positive for at least one respiratory virus (including Influenza and co-infections). In ...

Factors underlying COVID-19 booster vaccine uptake among fully vaccinated adults in Belgium

determine booster uptake among the 18+ Belgian population having completed the primary vaccination course (PC). We reported coverage by demographics (age, region of residence and sex) and COVID-19 infection ...

A new data collection system for Epilabo: the network of sentinel laboratories

laboratory test results and the impact of different counter measures in the population by linking datasets. From the summer of 2023 onwards we aim a gradual onboarding of CML to achieve a coverage in all ...

Factors underlying COVID-19 booster vaccine uptake among fully vaccinated adults in Belgium

data from the Belgian COVID-19 vaccine registry and the COVID-19 test database to determine booster uptake among the 18+ Belgian population having completed the primary vaccination course (PC). We ...

Monitoring HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis programmes in the EU/EEA

different population groups. In order to achieve the 95-95-95 targets set out by the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV / AIDS (UNAIDS), a strong and sustained focus on HIV prevention is paramount. This ...

Resilient health systems: harnessing health information to improve population health

Health Association, Berlin (2022) Keywords: COVID-19 Health Information Systems resilience Abstract: Health systems are built to improve the health of the population. When the COVID-19 crisis hit Europe, ...

Preparedness & response for emergency situations: joined forces of H2020 projects in the PREPARE cluster

Association, Berlin (2022) Keywords: improving population health preparedness Strengthening health systems Abstract: In recent years, there have been increasing instances of cross-border crises, including ...

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