Search results - 4 results

Can REALQUALITY RQ-HPV screen be considered as a clinically validated HPV test for use in cervical cancer screening?

Detection of Cancer Female Humans Mass Screening Papillomaviridae Papillomavirus Infections Uterine Cervical Dysplasia Uterine Cervical Neoplasms Vaginal Smears Abstract: “Can REALQUALITY RQ- HPV screen be ...

Accuracy of HPV E6/E7 oncoprotein tests to detect high-grade cervical lesions: a systematic literature review and meta-analysis.

biomarkers usable in managing screen-positive women. METHODS: We conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis assessing the accuracy of HPV- E6 / E7-oncoprotein tests to detect underlying cervical-precancer ...

Global and regional estimates of genital human papillomavirus prevalence among men: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

increased risk of HPV infection, exclusively conducted among circumcised men, and based on urine or semen samples. We screened identified reports and extracted summary-level data from those that were ...

Protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis of the diagnostic test accuracy of host and HPV DNA methylation in cervical cancer screening and management.

screening population. The primary outcome will be to assess the diagnostic test accuracy of host and HPV DNA methylation for high-grade CIN; the secondary outcomes will be to examine the accuracy of different ...

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