Search results - 6 results

Risk factors for methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus: a multi-laboratory study

infection (clinical samples), and only a minority with screening/colonization (1.59%). Factors (95% CI) significantly (p Health Topics:  Health and disease monitoring Surveillance de la santé et des maladies ...

Using multiple measures to assess changes in social inequalities for breast cancer screening

Number 280 (2014) Keywords: breast cancer Health inequalities SCREENING Abstract: Objectives: To identify changes in social inequalities for mammograms uptake in Belgium over the period 1997–2008 using ...

Microbiological and molecular assessment of bacteriophage ISP for the control of Staphylococcus aureus

therapeutic applications. Host range screening of a large batch of S. aureus isolates and subsequent fingerprint and DNA microarray analysis of the isolates revealed a substantial activity of ISP against 86% of ...

Estimation of the dissociation rate of unlabelled ligand-receptor complexes by a 'two-step' competition binding approach.

Because the in vivo effectiveness of ligands may also be determined by the rate by which they dissociate from their target receptors, drug candidates are being increasingly screened for this kinetic ...

Screening for cervical cancer in Belgium" in Description of the national situation of cervical cancer screening in the member states of the European Union

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Anttila, Ahti; Ronco, Guglielmo; Working Group on the Registration and Monitoring of Cervical Cancer Screening Programmes in the European ...

Does a national screening programme reduce socioeconomic inequalities in mammography use?

breast cancer Female Forecasting Health Education health inequaities health surveys Humans MAMMOGRAPHY Mass Screening middle aged ODDS RATIO SCREENING Socioeconomic Factors Utilization Review Abstract: ...

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