Search results - 185 results

Comprehensive control of human papillomavirus infections and related diseases.

have developed increasingly sensitive and specific molecular diagnostic tools for HPV detection for use in cervical cancer screening; and have substantially increased global awareness of HPV and its many ...

Patterns and trends in human papillomavirus-related diseases in Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia.

75. The high cervical cancer burden is exacerbated by a lack of effective screening and an increasing risk of death from the disease among young women, as observed in Belarus, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, ...

Human papillomavirus prevalence and type-distribution, cervical cancer screening practices and current status of vaccination implementation in Central and Eastern Europe.

Uterine Cervical Neoplasms Vaccination Abstract: We present a review of current cervical cancer screening practices, the implementation status of vaccination against human papillomaviruses (HPV) and ...

Bluetongue surveillance system in Belgium: a stochastic evaluation of its risk-based approach effectiveness.

of the four major bluetongue surveillance components implemented in Belgium in 2007 for farmed animals and prescribed by the European Union regulation; winter serological screening, sentinel system, ...

Communicating genetics and smoking through social media: are we there yet?

screened posts on YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter with the terms “smoking” and “genetic” at two time points (September 18, 2012, and May 7, 2013). The first 100 posts were reviewed for each media for the time ...

Development and validation of a fast chromatographic method for screening and quantification of legal and illegal skin whitening agents.

To control this market there is a need for a fast screening method capable of detecting illegal ingredients in the wide variety of existing bleaching cosmetic formulations. In this paper the ...

Using multiple inequality indices to assess changes in social inequalities for breast cancer screening in Belgium

(2013) Keywords: 2001 2008 ALL AS at Attributable Belgian Belgium breast breast cancer breast cancer screening Breast-cancer cancer cancer screening Change Changes comparing contribution data Educational ...

The GMOseek matrix: a decision support tool for optimizing the detection of genetically modified plants

results SCREENING specific status Strategies Strategy Target Targets Transgene use Abstract: Background: Since their first commercialization, the diversity of taxa and the genetic composition of ...

High prevalence of thyroid disorders in pregnant women in a mildly iodine-deficient country: a population-based study

population-based Population-based studies population-based study Pregnancies Pregnancy PREGNANT Pregnant women Pregnant-women prevalence result results SCREENING serum status study survey Thyroglobulin THYROID ...

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