Search results - 153 results

Syllabus of the workshop physicochemical characterization of nano-sized particles in food

particles in food additives (including E171 and E174) and in food products by TEM Practical experience in sample/ TEM-specimen preparation and application of the ParticleSizer software for the analysis of TEM ...

Migration of mineral oil from cardboard packaging for food: Identification of the hazards and assessment of the exposure of the Belgian population

The detected MOSH and MOAH concentrations were then compared to the action thresholds set by the Scientific Committee (SciCom) of the Belgian Food Safety Agency (FASFC) in 2017. Only one sample exceeded ...

Open Lab Application for the Characterization of Nanomaterials by Transmission Electron Microscopy

complex matrices such as food, cosmetics, medicines and environmental samples. A high degree of automation of the EM imaging and image analysis was recently developed to facilitate the measurement of ...

RNA-based drug susceptibility testing of Mycobacterium tuberculosis

format. In short, 200 µl of a positively flagged MGIT culture is spiked with a specific concentration of a drug, while a control sample is incubated in absence of the drug. Multiplex mRNA quantification is ...

Point Prevalence Study of Healthcare-Associated Infections and Antimicrobial Use in Belgian Acute-Care Hospitals: Results of the ECDC PPS 2017

All Belgian acute care hospitals were invited to participate in the ECDC PPS 2017. In addition, a representative random sample of hospitals was selected which received an individualized invitation to ...

Surveillance of antimicrobial resistant bacteria in Belgian hospitals: Report 2016

(with de-duplication) were included in the analyses, i.e. per period of hospitalisation and bacterium each patient should only be counted once. Clinical samples and screening samples originating from ...

Screening for nanoparticles in complex matrices within a regulatory framework: are we there yet?

samples of E174 and ten food items containing E174 were investigated for their number-based size distribution of Ag particles. The food items were as well investigated for their total Ag content. Single ...

Levels of organochlorinated pesticide residues and other persistent organic pollutants in breast milk: the Belgian results from the 6th WHO-coordinated survey

halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants (POP s) DIOXIN  2018 Belgium participated in the 6th WHO coordinated survey on POP s in breast milk  POP s levels in Belgian breast milk samples still decrease ...

Arsenic Speciation Analysis Elucidates the Risk Assesment of Food Supplements with Ingredients of Marine Origin. 9th Nordic Conference on plasma spectrochemistry

the consumption of these types of FS, based on 60 samples collected in a Belgian market study. In this context, the determination of the most toxic fraction, inorganic arsenic (As i) and the non-toxic ...

European Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance Network (EARS-Net Belgium)- Report 2017 (Data up to and including 2016)

Antimicrobial susceptibility tests (AST) in 8 pathogens isolated from blood or cerebrospinal fluid samples. For Streptococcus pneumonia isolates, national AST data for 2016 from 97 laboratories was provided by ...

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