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Search results - 4 results

Longitudinal monitoring of Culicoides in Belgium between 2007 and 2011: local variation in population dynamics parameters warrant cautious use of monitoring data.

Longitudinal Studies Male Orthobunyavirus Population Dynamics Risk Assessment Seasons Species Specificity Abstract: BACKGROUND: Several European countries suffered important economic losses during the past ...

Genetically stable infectious Schmallenberg virus persists in foetal envelopes of pregnant ewes.

aspect of the SBV pathogenesis that could help to explain how SBV overwinters the cold season in temperate climate zones. Furthermore, sequencing of the M segment shows that the persisting virus in the ...

Ulcerative pododermatitis and disseminated erosive lesions associated with cowpox virus infection in a domestic cat

lesions. While the anamnesis of the cat being a known rodent-hunter, a typical seasonality of infection and the progression of clinical signs from a primary anterior lesion (forelimb) indicated a possible ...

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