Search results - 139 results

Development of a real-time PCR method for the genoserotyping of Salmonella Paratyphi B variant Java.

biochemical tests. Therefore, a quadruplex real-time PCR method, based on the allelic discrimination of molecular markers selected from the scientific literature and from whole genome sequencing data produced ...

A simple dilute-and-shoot method for screening and simultaneous quantification of nicotine and alkaloid impurities in electronic cigarette refills (e-liquids) by UHPLC-DAD

Despite the somewhat lower selectivity of the newly developed UV-detection technique versus a targeted LC- MS / MS approach, it may be concluded that this method is a suitable alternative for quality ...

Antimicrobial use in European acute care hospitals: results from the second point prevalence survey (PPS) of healthcare-associated infections and antimicrobial use, 2016 to 2017

agents were penicillins with beta-lactamase inhibitors. There was wide variation of patients on antimicrobials, in the selection of antimicrobial agents and in antimicrobial stewardship resources and ...

Development and validation of chromatographic methods for screening and subsequent quantification of suspected illegal antimicrobial drugs encountered on the Belgian market.

agents, 1 antifungal agent and 1 beta-lactamase inhibitor, covering eleven different antibacterial classes, were selected. The UHPLC- MS screening method with gradient elution is able to selectively detect ...

Study of the underlying mechanisms and consequences of pathogenicity differences between two in vitro selected G1-H9N2 clones originating from a single isolate.

H9N2 clones, selected on different cell types, named MDCK-and CEF-clone in regards to the cell culture used, were studied in vivo, revealing two different virulence phenotypes. Subsequently, the ...

Meta-analysis of the accuracy of p16 or p16/Ki-67 immunocytochemistry versus HPV testing for the detection of CIN2+/CIN3+ in triage of women with minor abnormal cytology.

cervical intraepithelial neoplasia of grade 3 or worse (CIN3 +). METHODS: A literature search was conducted in 3 bibliographic databases. Studies were selected if they included women with ASC- US or LSIL who ...

Towards the use of ion mobility mass spectrometry derived collision cross section as a screening approach for unambiguous identification of targeted pesticides in food

selectivity/sensitivity to gather information and enable the analyst to make informed decisions during the identification process. Here we present and discuss the use of collision cross section (CCS) values in addition to ...

Development and validation of chromatographic methods for screening and subsequent quantification of suspected illegal antimicrobial drugs encountered on the Belgian market

selected. The UHPLC- MS2  screening method with gradient elution is able to selectively detect these 36 compounds within 18 min (including wash and equilibration step). It was validated for sensitivity, ...

Temperature-related changes in airborne allergenic pollen abundance and seasonality across the northern hemisphere: a retrospective data analysis

of multiple pollen (aeroallergen) taxa met the selection criteria. These datasets were analysed in the context of recent annual changes in maximum temperature (Tmax) and minimum temperature (Tmin) ...

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