Search results - 23 results

Controlled Human Infection Studies: Proposals for guidance on how to design, develop and produce a challenge strain.

regulatory or advisory bodies. This document is intended to discuss fundamental principles of selection, characterization, manufacture, quality control and storage of challenge agents for international ...

CBD oils on the Belgian market: A validated MRM GC-MS/MS method for routine quality control using QuEChERS sample clean up

method for the routine analysis of CBD oil samples. Eighteen CBD samples were selected on the Belgium market for analysis. This method allows the quantification of CBD, the legality check for the Δ9- THC ...

Identification of flavouring substances of genotoxic concern present in e-cigarette refills

transhexanal, there was a clear concern for in vivo genotoxicity. A selection of 4 out of the remaining 22 flavourings was tested in two in vitro genotoxicity assays. Three out of the four tested flavourings ...

Human challenge trial workshop: Focus on quality requirements for challenge agents, Langen, Germany, October 22, 2019.

challenge agents; a focus on strain selection, in particular with regard to strain infectivity, stability and purity; the use of whole genome sequencing; a reference repository of challenge agents, the need ...

Development and validation of chromatographic methods for screening and subsequent quantification of suspected illegal antimicrobial drugs encountered on the Belgian market.

agents, 1 antifungal agent and 1 beta-lactamase inhibitor, covering eleven different antibacterial classes, were selected. The UHPLC- MS screening method with gradient elution is able to selectively detect ...

Development and validation of chromatographic methods for screening and subsequent quantification of suspected illegal antimicrobial drugs encountered on the Belgian market

selected. The UHPLC- MS2  screening method with gradient elution is able to selectively detect these 36 compounds within 18 min (including wash and equilibration step). It was validated for sensitivity, ...

Analysis of illegal peptide drugs via HILIC-DAD-MS.

five different HILIC columns were selected and screened for their chromatographic performance. Among those columns, the ZIC HILIC column showed the best performance under the tested screening conditions ...

Detection of regulated herbs and plants in plant food supplements and traditional medicines using infrared spectroscopy.

misclassifications for the selected test set. For the other three a success rate of 50% was obtained. Mid- IR combined with SIMCA can therefore be applied as a first step in the screening of unknown samples, before ...

The use of Stationary Phase Optimized Selectivity Liquid Chromatography for the development of herbal fingerprints to detect targeted plants in plant food supplements.

control is performed and that they could contain herbs or plants that are regulated. Stationary Phase Optimized Selectivity Liquid Chromatography (SOS- LC) was evaluated for the development of specific ...

Advanced Methods for Dose and Regimen Finding During Drug Development: Summary of the EMA/EFPIA Workshop on Dose Finding (London 4-5 December 2014).

I Skottheim Rusten Source: CPT Pharmacometrics Syst Pharmacol, Volume 6, Issue 7, p.418-429 (2017) Abstract: Inadequate dose selection for confirmatory trials is currently still one of the most challenging ...

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