Search results - 39 results

Construction of Nontoxigenic Mutants of Nonproteolytic Clostridium botulinum NCTC 11219 by Insertional Mutagenesis and Gene Replacement.

using a new gene replacement strategy that makes use of pyrE as a bidirectional selection marker. Growth under optimal and stressed conditions, sporulation efficiency, and spore heat resistance of the ...

Evaluation of the migration of chemicals from baby bottles under standardised and duration testing conditions.

toxicity assessment, the most toxic migrating compounds were selected to be monitored and quantified using validated GC- and LC-QqQ- MS methods. The effect of several ‘real-life-use conditions’, such as ...

Development and application of a non-target extraction method for the analysis of migrating compounds from plastic baby bottles by GC-MS.

polyamide PRODUCTS risk risks Sample Samples SELECTED simulant study TESTING Type use varieties variety WATER Abstract: Migration of BPA from polycarbonate has already been extensively studied. Unfortunately, ...

Determination of selected veterinary antimicrobials in poultry excreta by UHPLC-MS/MS, for application in Salmonella control programs.

was selected and administered in the drinking water to two laying hens. Excreta samples were collected every 12 h during and until 2 days after treatment and analyzed using the developed method. Health ...

Determination of acrylamide levels in selected foods in Brazil

Sample Samples Temperature VALIDATION variation Abstract: Selected carbohydrate-rich foods available on the Brazilian market (111 samples representing 19 product categories) were analysed for acrylamide ...

Objective understanding of the Nutri-score front-of-pack label by European consumers and its effect on food choices: an online experimental study.

were asked to select which food they would prefer to purchase between three products with distinct nutritional quality profiles, and then to rank the products by nutritional quality. Participants (N ...

Benchmarking the transparency, comprehensiveness and specificity of population nutrition commitments of major food companies in Malaysia.

A Review Panel, comprising of the Expert Panel and additional government officials (n = 13), then formulated recommendations. RESULTS: Of the 33 selected companies, 6 participating companies agreed to ...

Benchmarking the nutrition-related commitments and practices of major French food companies.

reformulation, labelling, marketing, and accessibility, the ‘Business Impact Assessment on Obesity and population-level nutrition’ (BIA-Obesity) was applied. A total of 33 French food companies were selected using ...

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