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Search results - 14 results

Lumpy Skin Disease: A Systematic Review of Mode of Transmission, Risk of Emergence and Risk Entry Pathway.

vectors, and stable flies are the most competent vectors. Vectors are mainly responsible for a short-distance spread, while cattle trade spread the virus over long distances. Furthermore, vaccine ...

Epidemiological Dynamics of Foot-and-Mouth Disease in the Horn of Africa: The Role of Virus Diversity and Animal Movement.

of borders for pastoralist herders fuels the unregulated transboundary livestock trade. There are no systematic control strategies in the region except for sporadic vaccination with locally produced ...

Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome virus (PRRSv): A Cross-Sectional Study on ELISA Seronegative, Multivaccinated Sows

immunology non-responder PRRSv sow Vaccination Abstract: Vaccination against Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome virus (PRRS v) is widely used to control clinical disease, but the effectiveness ...

Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome virus (PRRSv): A Cross-Sectional Study on ELISA Seronegative, Multivaccinated Sows.

syndrome virus Swine Vaccines, Inactivated Viral Vaccines Abstract: Vaccination against Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome virus (PRRS v) is widely used to control clinical disease, but the ...

The history of foot-and-mouth disease virus serotype C: the first known extinct serotype?Abstract

and cattle but as a less common cause of outbreaks than serotypes O and A. No serotype C outbreaks have been reported in Europe since vaccination stopped in 1990. FMD virus is presumed to have been ...

Outbreaks of Foot-and-Mouth Disease in Burundi, East Africa, in 2016, Caused by Different Serotypes.

region, suggesting a transboundary origin and necessitating a regional approach for vaccination and control of FMD. Health Topics:  Animal health Santé animale Diergezondheid Manuscript versions:  DOI:  ...

Recombinant LSDV Strains in Asia: Vaccine Spillover or Natural Emergence?

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Frank Vandenbussche; Elisabeth Mathijs; Wannes Philips; Saduakassova, Meruyert; Ilse De Leeuw; Sultanov, Akhmetzhan; Andy Haegeman; Kris De Clercq Source: Viruses, Volume 14, Issue 7 (2022) Healt ...

Metagenomic sequencing determines complete infectious bronchitis virus (avian Gammacoronavirus) vaccine strain genomes and associated viromes in chicken clinical samples.

genome with 99.95% nucleotide identity to vaccine strain 793B. In addition, substantial read counts (16% of viral reads) allowed the assembly of a near-complete chicken astrovirus genome, while lower read ...

Selection and use of reference panels: a case study highlighting current gaps in the materials available for foot and mouth disease.

Sci Tech, Volume 40, Issue 1 (2021) Keywords: Animals Foot-and-Mouth Disease Foot-and-Mouth Disease Virus Livestock Serogroup Vaccination Viral Vaccines Abstract: The World Organisation for Animal ...

Comparative Evaluation of Lumpy Skin Disease Virus-Based Live Attenuated Vaccines.

Kris De Clercq Source: Vaccines (Basel), Volume 9, Issue 5 (2021) Abstract: Vaccines form the cornerstone of any control, eradication and preventative strategy and this is no different for lumpy skin ...

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