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Time series modelling for wastewater-based epidemiology of COVID-19: A nationwide study in 40 wastewater treatment plants of Belgium, February 2021 to June 2022

variability was observed in terms of explaining incident cases. These findings are of practical importance to WBE practitioners and show that the early-warning potential of WBE is WWTP-specific and ...

The prior infection with SARS-CoV-2 study (PICOV) in nursing home residents and staff- study protocol description and presentation of preliminary findings on symptoms.

infections (ARI). However, little is known, about the impact of a previous or current infection on the other in terms of susceptibility, immune response, and clinical course. The aim of the “Prior Infection ...

The Relation between Perceived and Actual Understanding and Adherence: Results from a National Survey on COVID-19 Measures in Belgium.

characteristics were considered risk factors for lower adherence. It consisted of a large online survey among a sample of the population (= 2008), representative of citizens of Belgium in terms of gender, age, ...

Increasing risk of breakthrough COVID-19 in outbreaks with high attack rates in European long-term care facilities, July to October 2021

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Suetens, Carl; Pete Kinross; Pilar Gallego Berciano; Virginia Arroyo Nebreda; Eline Hassan; Clémentine Calba; Eugenia Fernandes; Andre Peralta-Santos; Pedro Casaca; Nathalie Shodu; Sara Dequeker; ...

Determinants of adherence to COVID-19 measures among the Belgian population: an application of the protection motivation theory.

On average, respondents provided high scores for each of the measures in place in September in terms of response efficacy (range of 3.54-4.32 on 1 to 5 Likert-scale), self-efficacy (range of ...

All-cause mortality supports the COVID-19 mortality in Belgium and comparison with major fatal events of the last century.

Belgium has been ranked among the highest in the world. To assess the appropriateness of the country’s COVID-19 mortality surveillance, that includes long-term care facilities deaths and deaths in possible ...

L’épidémiologie de l’affection post-Covid-19 en Belgique

étude a également mis en avant l’impact du Covid long sur les différentes dimensions de la qualité de vie des patients, particulièrement en termes de douleur/inconfort et d’anxiété/dépression Health ...

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