Search results - 3 results

Contents of Amoxicillin Drugs Dispensed in Goma, Democratic Republic of Congo

(n=1), Germany(n=1), and Switzerland (n=1). The specimens were checked for falsifications following the WHO checklist. Content identity and amount of antibiotics in the specimens was investigated by Ultra ...

Development and validation of chromatographic methods for screening and subsequent quantification of suspected illegal antimicrobial drugs encountered on the Belgian market.

Organization (WHO), state that 10% of the medical products in low- and middle-income countries are substandard or falsified (SF). Among them, antibiotics and antimalarials are the most commonly reported since ...

Falsification of biotechnology drugs: current dangers and/or future disasters?

rational use of drugs organized by the world health organization (WHO) in 1985. Today, official estimates of the annual death toll due to falsified medical products range between two hundred thousand and one ...

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