Search results - 6 results

Estimating national and subnational nutrient intake distributions of global diets

sex, and age groups. We estimated intake inadequacy for 16 nutrients based on a harmonized set of nutrient requirements and bioavailability estimates. Last, we created an R package-nutriR-to make these ...

Listeria monocytogenes isolates from Cornu aspersum snails: Whole genome-based characterization and host-pathogen interactions in a snail infection model.

sequencing Abstract: Even though Listeria monocytogenes is an extensive-studied foodborne pathogen, genome analysis of isolates from snails that may represent a reservoir of L. monocytogenes are still scarce. ...

Consumer and food product determinants of food wasting: A case study on chicken meat

Jo Dewulf Source: Sustainability, Volume 13, Issue 13 (2021) Keywords: Chicken meat Consumer behaviour Food waste Packaging Poultry sustainability Abstract: Food wastage is an environmental concern ...

Investigating the risk-benefit balance of substituting red and processed meat with fish in a Danish diet.

restricted to lean fish (80 DALY s/100,000 averted), and a marked health loss (180 DALY s/100,000) was estimated when consumption was restricted to tuna. Our results show an overall beneficial effect of the ...

zDALY: An adjusted indicator to estimate the burden of zoonotic diseases.

populations, or for an individual, is frequently estimated in terms of one of a number of Health Adjusted Life Years (HALY s). The Disability Adjusted Life Year (DALY) is a widely accepted HALY metric and is ...

Do current fortification and supplementation programs assure adequate intake of fat-soluble vitamins in Belgian infants, toddlers, pregnant women, and lactating women?

the neonate, and the young child. By means of an online self-administered frequency questionnaire, this study aimed to evaluate the intake of vitamins A, D, E, and K in Belgian infants (= 455), toddlers ...

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