Search results - 3 results

Impact of the revised European Tobacco Product Directive on the quality of e-cigarette refill liquids in Belgium

containing mandatory rules to assure the quality and safety of electronic nicotine delivery systems. In this study, we investigate whether these regulatory changes had an impact on the quality of refill ...

Development of a sample preparation method for the GC-analysis of e-cigarette refill liquids

used in e-cigarettes using GC-method with an appropriate sample preparation. The group of flavourings are divided in two groups: high and low semi-volatiles. High volatile flavouring group contains the ...

Identification of Flavouring Substances of Genotoxic Concern Present in E-Cigarette Refills

increased significantly. An important contributor to this trend is the availability of a wide variety of flavours used in e-liquid refills. However, the role of these flavouring components in the potential ...

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