Search results - 3 results

Assessment of estrogenic compounds in paperboard for dry food packaging with the ERE-CALUX bioassay

a dry food migration experiment. By measuring an overall estrogenic activity, known and unknown estrogenic chemicals and mixture effects are taken into account and the data are compared to molecule ...

Study of the possible migration risks of food contact materials for children under 3 years

the possible alternatives to PC FCM s for children under 3 y old on the Belgian market. These articles were documented by an initial market survey in baby-shops, supermarkets and pharmacies. 24 baby ...

Development and application of a non-target extraction method for the analysis of migrating compounds from plastic baby bottles by GC-MS.

the nature of (other) substances migrating from the polymeric alternatives to polycarbonate is much less known. Therefore, there is an urgent need to assess the risks associated with the migration of ...

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