Search results - 5 results

Has Epizootic Become Enzootic? Evidence for a Fundamental Change in the Infection Dynamics of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza in Europe, 2021.

reservoirs. We propose contrasting hypotheses for this emergence: (i) resident viruses have been maintained, presumably in wild birds, in northern Europe throughout the summer of 2021 to cause some of the ...

Redesign and Validation of a Real-Time RT-PCR to Improve Surveillance for Avian Influenza Viruses of the H9 Subtype.

Chain Reaction Abstract: Avian influenza viruses of the H9 subtype cause significant losses to poultry production in endemic regions of Asia, Africa and the Middle East and pose a risk to human health. ...

The Expression of Hemagglutinin by a Recombinant Newcastle Disease Virus Causes Structural Changes and Alters Innate Immune Sensing

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Ingrao, Fiona; Victoria Duchatel; Rodil, Isabel Fernandez; Mieke Steensels; Eveline Verleysen; Jan Mast; Bénédicte Lambrecht Source: Vaccines, Volume 9, Issue 7 (2021) Health Topics:  Newcastle d ...

Study of the underlying mechanisms and consequences of pathogenicity differences between two in vitro selected G1-H9N2 clones originating from a single isolate.

Influenza in Birds Poultry Diseases Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction Sequence Analysis, DNA Viral Plaque Assay virulence Virus Shedding Abstract: The G1- H9N2 avian influenza virus (AIV) has caused ...

Genesis and spread of multiple reassortants during the 2016/2017 H5 avian influenza epidemic in Eurasia.

in Birds Phylogeny Poultry Reassortant Viruses Abstract: Highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) viruses of the H5 A/goose/Guangdong/1/96 lineage can cause severe disease in poultry and wild birds, ...

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