Search results - 4 results

Benchmarking as a Public Health Strategy for Creating Healthy Food Environments: An Evaluation of the INFORMAS Initiative (2012-2020).

aspect benchmarked. INFORMAS has resulted in the development and widespread application of standardized methods for assessing the characteristics of food environments. The activities of INFORMAS have ...

Comparing health insurance data and health interview survey data for ascertaining chronic disease prevalence in Belgium.

statistic was also calculated. Participants’ sociodemographic and health status characteristics associated with agreement were tested using logistic regression for each CD. RESULTS: Prevalence from BCHI data ...

Do more people in Europe need treatment for problems related to cocaine use? An analysis of cocaine treatment demand in 10 Western European countries

aim of this current study is to analyse and understand trends in cocaine treatment demand in nine European countries and to provide insight into details on recent trends in the numbers, characteristics ...

Changes in retail food environments around schools over 12 years and associations with overweight and obesity among children and adolescents in Flanders, Belgium.

Food Supply Humans Obesity Overweight Residence Characteristics Restaurants Schools Abstract: BACKGROUND: Children are susceptible to the food environment. This research assessed changes in retail food ...

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