Search results - 4 results

Neonatal factors predictive for respiratory and gastro-intestinal morbidity after esophageal atresia repair.

these complications: severe gastro-esophageal reflux, esophageal stricture requiring dilatations, need for tube feeding for >100 days, severe tracheomalacia, severe chronic respiratory disease and ...

Isolation and characterization of the compounds responsible for the antimutagenic activity of Combretum microphyllum (Combretaceae) leaf extracts

n-Tetracosanol Abstract: BACKGROUND: Mutations play a major role in the pathogenesis and development of several chronic degenerative diseases including cancer. It follows, therefore that antimutagenic compound may ...

Toxicity in lead salt spiked soils to plants, invertebrates and microbial processes: Unraveling effects of acidification, salt stress and ageing reactions.

leaching and returned back to background values after 5-year outdoor equilibration. Chronic toxicity to two plants, two invertebrates, and three microbial endpoints was consistently found in all spiked soils ...

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