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Search results - 12 results

Two cases of congenital lipomatosis in calves.

bovids. Their prognosis is often guarded compared with benign lipocytic tumours and depends on their location and degree of infiltration. They can infiltrate the subcutis, deeper musculature and even the ...

Attributing Ethiopian animal health losses to high-level causes using expert elicitation

however will become increasingly useful once they can be compared with results from more sophisticated, data-driven models. Health Topics:  Animal health Santé animale Diergezondheid Service:  Information ...

Hemorrhagic bowel syndrome in dairy cattle: Gross, histological, and microbiological characterization.

erosions or lacerations measuring 4 to 45 mm. In 77% (37/48) of these mucosal lesions, microscopic splitting of the comparable to the hematoma was present. These findings suggest the intramucosal hematoma to ...

Tick-Borne Encephalitis Virus Prevalence in Sheep, Wild Boar and Ticks in Belgium.

(22.38%, 1⅚7) compared to Limburg (7.74%, 34/439) and Antwerp (8.61%, 28/325). Oud-Heverlee was the hunting area harboring the highest TBEV seroprevalence (33.33%, 1⅓3). In an attempt to obtain a Belgian ...

Metagenomic sequencing determines complete infectious bronchitis virus (avian Gammacoronavirus) vaccine strain genomes and associated viromes in chicken clinical samples.

identified both fixed and minor frequency variations in the tissue sample compared to its in ovo-passaged virus. Metagenomic methods allow the determination of complete coronavirus genomes from clinical ...

Selection and use of reference panels: a case study highlighting current gaps in the materials available for foot and mouth disease.

that can be used during assay development and in validation exercises to compare the performance of these varied (and sometimes competing) diagnostic technologies. World Organisation for Animal Health ...

Comparative Evaluation of Lumpy Skin Disease Virus-Based Live Attenuated Vaccines.

purpose of this study to compare five homologous live attenuated LSDV vaccines (LSDV LAV) in a standardized setting. All five LSDV LAV s studied were able to protect against a challenge with virulent LSDV. ...

Selection and use of reference panels: a case study highlighting current gaps in the materials available for foot and mouth disease

tests or kits provided by the commercial sector. Reference panels are essential tools that can be used during assay development and in validation exercises to compare the performance of these varied (and ...

Efficient control of Japanese encephalitis virus in the central nervous system of infected pigs occurs in the absence of a pronounced inflammatory immune response.

2 days to reach the peak viremia upon intranasal compared to intradermal inoculation, the overall virus spread via both inoculation routes was highly similar. JEV appearance in lymphoid and visceral organs ...

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