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Search results - 150 results

The GEONs API-fingerprint program: Tackling falsifications of APIs

Official Medicines Control Laboratory (OMCL) Network (GEON) different initiatives were taken to augment the analysis and market surveillance of API s used by the different manufacturers. Despite the efforts, ...

The European Health Data Space 2: is Europe ready to maximise the re-use of health data?

outcomes of the TEHDAS country visits. In these country visits, the state-of-play of the health data management system and the preparedness to join the EHDS2 were mapped in 12 different EU MS. The next ...

Multidimensional Fingerprint Development for the Detection of Tribulus terrestris in Plant Food Supplements

fingerprinting at different wavelengths for identification of Tribulus terrestris in plant food supplements. A specific, selective and fast fingerprinting method for Tribulus (reference material obtained from the ...

The COVID-19 pandemic minimally interfered with delivery of care and did not result in worse outcomes of diabetic foot ulcers in Belgium

major amputation or death as first event were assessed by Cox proportional hazards regression. Results:  Although overall offloading rates for plantar DFU did not differ, patients that presented during ...

Monitoring HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis programmes in the EU/EEA

different population groups. In order to achieve the 95-95-95 targets set out by the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV / AIDS (UNAIDS), a strong and sustained focus on HIV prevention is paramount. This ...

Evaluation of the types, efficient use and health risks of application of silver-based biocides to provide antimicrobial properties to face masks applied during the Covid-19 crisis

biocides in face masks using electron microscopy and EDX, combined with total silver measurement using ICP- MS or ICP- OES demonstrated the presence of varying amounts and different types of silver-based ...

Resilient health systems: harnessing health information to improve population health

was found to be different in the many European countries, leaving some important lessons to be learned and best practices to be showcased to help countries assess their own response to the COVID-19 ...

Preparedness & response for emergency situations: joined forces of H2020 projects in the PREPARE cluster

different aspects of crisis management, many with a focus on managing pandemics. While each project has distinct aims and challenges, they all work towards a common goal. It is for this reason that thirteen ...

ESCAIDE 2022: Translating the COVID-19 epidemiological situation into policies and measures: the Belgian experience

Discussion and conclusion The assessment by experts from different disciplines in an autonomous scientific advisory body and the classification of the risk according to different levels supported policy makers ...

Healthy Data, an online citizen consultation about health data reuse – intermediate report

including many partnering organisations who leveraged their networks to bring attention to the initiative. A large body of content was created in different formats, such as text, videos, visuals, an ...

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