Search results - 57 results

The Use of Tenax® as a Simulant for the Migration of Contaminants in Dry Foodstuffs: A Review

2214116830316964671450389233872721403483131751141012826182833312871, Issue 24129510894341215799 (2017) Keywords: food contact material Migration REVIEW Tenax® Abstract: Packaging materials are found to represent a source of contamination through the migration of ...

Prioritizing substances of genotoxic concern for in-depth safety evaluation using non-animal approaches: The example of food contact materials.

printed paper and board food contact material (FCM) substances for further in-depth safety evaluation. Within the strategy, focus was put on genotoxicity, a key toxicological endpoint when evaluating ...

Assessment of estrogenic compounds in paperboard for dry food packaging with the ERE-CALUX bioassay

Endocrine disruptors Bisphenol A Food contact materials Perturbateurs endocriniens Hormoonverstorende stoffen Bisphénol A Bisfenol A Matériaux en contact avec des denrées alimentaires Voedselcontactmaterialen ...

Performance of in silico models for mutagenicity prediction of food contact materials

Toxicological Sciences, Volume 163, Issue 2 (2018) Keywords: (Q)SAR food contact materials In silico mutagenicity VALIDATION Abstract: In silico methodologies, such as (quantitative) structure-activity ...

Analysis of mineral oil in food: results of a Belgian market survey

Additives & Contaminants: Part A, Volume 35, Issue 10 (2018) Keywords: action thresholds food contact materials Market survey Mineral oil online LC-GC Abstract: Recently, migration of mineral oil ...

La résistance antimicrobienne chez les E. coli commensales, Campylobacter spp. et Salmonella spp. isolés des carcasses et de la viande de volaille, de boeuf et de porc en 2016, Rapport 2016

d’éviter un propagation via un contact avec les humains ou dans la chaine alimentaire. La résistance à la colistine a été détectée faiblement (3.5-2.84%) chez les S. Enteritidis et la majorité a été isolée ...

Coatings in food contact materials: Potential source of genotoxic contaminants?

harmonized EU regulation exists on chemicals used in coatings for food contact materials (FCM). Therefore, these substances need to comply with the general provisions of EU Regulation 1935/2004 and, if ...

A more sensitive, efficient and ISO 17025 validated Magnetic Capture real time PCR method for the detection of archetypal Toxoplasma gondii strains in meat.

the diagnosis of toxoplasmosis. Whereas serological tests are useful to prove contact with the parasite has occurred, the actual presence of the parasite in the tissues of a seropositive animal is not ...

(Q)SAR tools for priority setting: A case study with printed paper and board food contact material substances.

based on the combination of multiple (quantitative) structure-activity relationship ((Q) SAR) tools. Non-evaluated substances used in printed paper and board food contact materials (FCM) were selected for ...

Printed paper and board food contact materials as a potential source of food contamination.

19, p.10-19 (2016) Keywords: Checklist Consumer Product Safety Food Contamination Food Packaging Hazardous Substances Humans Ink Paper Printing Risk Assessment Toxicity Tests Abstract: Food contact ...

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