Search results - 12 results

Healthcare-associated infections and antimicrobial use in Belgian nursing homes: results of three point prevalence surveys between 2010 and 2016

infections were most frequently reported, followed by skin/wound infections in HALT-1 and urinary tract infections in HALT-2 and HALT-3. Antimicrobials were most commonly prescribed for the therapeutic ...

Point prevalence survey of antimicrobial use and healthcare-associated infections in Belgian acute care hospitals: results of the Global-PPS and ECDC-PPS 2017.

The most frequently reported indications were pneumonia (23.2%), urinary tract infections (15.2%) and skin and soft tissue infections (11.9%). The reason for antimicrobial use was recorded for 81.9% of ...

Point Prevalence Study of Healthcare-Associated Infections and Antimicrobial Use in Belgian Acute-Care Hospitals: Results of the ECDC PPS 2017

The top 3 of most used antimicrobial agents consisted of amoxicillin in combination with a beta-lactamase inhibitor (J01CR02, 19.7%), cefazolin (J01DB04, 9.7%) and piperacillin in combination with ...

Care Infections & Antibiotic Resistance in Belgium

difficile CPE ESBL Hand hygiene healthcare associated infections ICU MRSA VRE Abstract: This activity report provides an overview of the most recent evolutions in healthcare associated infections and ...

Surveillance of bloodstream infections in Belgian hospitals ('SEP')-Annual report 2017, Data up to and including 2016

associated with invasive devices are a priority target for prevention. The most common microorganisms isolated from HA- BSI were E. coli and S. aureus. Since 2000, the incidence of HA- BSI with E. coli and K. ...

Surveillance of bloodstream infections in Belgian hospitals ('SEP')-Annual report 2016, Data up to and including 2015

indirectly associated with an invasive device (central line, urinary catheter, endotracheal tube). These infections associated with invasive devises are a priority target for prevention. The most common ...

Surveillance of bloodstream infections in Belgian hospitals ('SEP')-Annual report 2014, Surveillance data 2000-2014

with HA- BSI is impossible to determine. The most common origin of HA- BSI  — confirmed or probable — is a central venous catheter (CVC, 26%), followed by a urinary tract infection (20%). These ...

Programme de surveillance des septicémies à l'hôpital en Belgique- Rapport annuel 2013, Données 2000- 2013

device (same microorganism in blood culture/suspected origin). The most frequent micro-organisms in BSI acquired in the hospital were E. coli (22%), coagulasenegative staphylococci (13%) and Staphylococcus ...

Surveillance septicemieën in Belgische ziekenhuizen- Jaarrapport 2013, gegevens 2000-2013

culture/suspected origin). The most frequent micro-organisms in BSI acquired in the hospital were E. coli (22%), coagulase-negative staphylococci (13%) and Staphylococcus aureus (11%). Antibiotic resistance of these ...

Surveillanceprogramma van septicemieën in ziekenhuizen in België- Gegevens 2000-2011

hospital acquired SEP. The remaining 7.350 (15%) were caused exclusively by skincontaminants. The most common microorganisms were E. coli (17%), S. aureus (12%) and types of Staphylococcus coagulase-negative ...

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