Search results - 33 results

Improve the management of cancer-related cognitive impairment in clinical settings: a European Delphi study.

recommendations were developed based on a literature review and authors’ clinical experience, split into three categories: screening, cognitive assessment, intervention. The survey included European professionals, ...

Global and regional estimates of genital human papillomavirus prevalence among men: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

Melanie Source: Lancet Glob Health, Volume 11, Issue 9 (2023) Keywords: Adult Female Human Papillomavirus Viruses Humans Male Papillomaviridae Papillomavirus Infections prevalence Sexually Transmitted ...

Evaluating the health and health economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on delayed cancer care in Belgium: A Markov model study protocol

Analysis COVID-19 Delivery of Health Care Humans Markov Chains Models, Economic Neoplasms Pandemics Quality-Adjusted Life Years Abstract: INTRODUCTION: Cancer causes a substantial burden to our society, both ...

Papilloplex HR-HPV test has non-inferior clinical performance for detection of human papillomavirus infection: assessment using the VALGENT framework.

cytologically abnormal specimens (100 atypical squamous cells of unspecified significance, 100 low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions, 97 high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions). Cases were defined as ...

Assessment of the clinical and analytical performance of the Aptima SARS-CoV-2 assay using the VALCOR protocol.

public health, the performance characteristics of assays should be evaluated to ensure reliable diagnostic outcomes are achieved. METHODS: VALCOR or “ VAL idation of SARS- COR ona Virus-2 assays” is ...

Evaluation of the clinical performance of OncoPredict HPV® SCR assay within the VALGENT-2 framework.

efficiency and PCR inhibition. 1300 VALGENT-2 study samples (from women aged 20-60 attending the Scottish cervical cancer screening program) were tested with the index assay and the GP5 +/6+ PCR enzyme ...

Offering HPV self-sampling kits: an updated meta-analysis of the effectiveness of strategies to increase participation in cervical cancer screening

Opt-in strategies were less effective than send-to-all strategies. Health Topics:  Quality of healthcare Qualité des soins de santé Kwaliteit van de gezondheidszorg Cancer Cancer Kanker Service:  Centre du ...

Meta-analysis of the accuracy of p16 or p16/Ki-67 immunocytochemistry versus HPV testing for the detection of CIN2+/CIN3+ in triage of women with minor abnormal cytology.

cervical intraepithelial neoplasia of grade 3 or worse (CIN3 +). METHODS: A literature search was conducted in 3 bibliographic databases. Studies were selected if they included women with ASC- US or LSIL who ...

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