Search results - 4 results

Evaluation of a Liquid Media MALDI-TOF MS Protocol for the Identification of Dermatophytes Isolated from Infections.

schools and represents a global health problem. Correct identification of the infection agent is essential in the determination of the infection source, epidemiological course, and treatment initiation. The ...

Superficial mycoses in Belgium: Burden, costs and antifungal drugs consumption

of superficial mycoses requires more attention due to their important incidence, health costs and antifungal drugs consumption. Objectives The objectives were to estimate the burden of superficial ...

Species Distinction in the Trichophyton rubrum Complex.

intermediate between and For routine diagnostics, ITS sequencing is recommended. Health Topics:  Dermatophyte infection Dermatofytose Dermatophytose Service:  Mycologie et aérobiologie Mycologie en aerobiologie ...

Toward a Novel Multilocus Phylogenetic Taxonomy for the Dermatophytes.

belong to smaller groups, which enhances their identification. Health Topics:  Dermatophyte infection Dermatofytose Dermatophytose Service:  Mycologie et aérobiologie Mycologie en aerobiologie Mycology and ...

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