Search results - 1081 results

Integrated Care Models for Managing and Preventing Frailty: A Systematic Review for the European Joint Action on Frailty Prevention (ADVANTAGE JA).

frailty, blending a chronic care approach with education, enablement and rehabilitation to optimise function, particularly at times of a sudden deterioration in health, or when transitioning between home, ...

Transitions and trajectories in frailty states over time: a systematic review of the European Joint Action ADVANTAGE.

limited and heterogeneous. Well-designed prospective studies and harmonized approaches to data collection are now needed. Health Topics:  Frailty Fragilité Broosheid Full text language:  English Category:  ...

The Enrichment of Histomonas meleagridis and Its Pathogen-Specific Protein Analysis: A First Step to Shed Light on Its Virulence.

meleagridis may serve as a very first step toward understanding its pathogenesis and virulence. Health Topics:  Animal health Santé animale Diergezondheid Service:  Éléments traces et nanomatériaux ...

Banana infecting fungus, Fusarium musae, is also an opportunistic human pathogen: are bananas potential carriers and source of fusariosis?

musae in humans. An alternative hypothesis is that the natural distribution of F. musae is geographically a lot broader than originally suspected and F. musae is present on different plant hosts. Health ...

Viral interference of the bacterial RNA metabolism machinery.

distinctive viral protein. Health Topics:  Health and disease monitoring Service:  Maladies bactériennes Bacteriële ziekten Bacterial diseases Manuscript versions:  DOI:  ...

Four sexually transmitted infections (STIs) in Belgian general practice: first results (2013-2014) of a nationwide continuing surveillance study.

notification, this suggests that a general practice guideline is needed. Health Topics:  Infection sexuellement transmissible (IST) Seksueel overdraagbare infectie (SOI) Service:  Étude des soins de santé ...

Tick-Borne Encephalitis Virus in Ticks and Roe Deer, the Netherlands.

a seroprevalence of 2%, and TBEV RNA was detected in 2 ticks from the same location. Enhanced surveillance and awareness among medical professionals has led to the identification of autochthonous cases. Health ...

The Major Envelope Glycoprotein of Murid Herpesvirus 4 Promotes Sexual Transmission.

viral transmission. Here we show that the major envelope glycoprotein of murid herpesvirus 4 functions not in entry or dissemination but in virion release to allow sexual transmission to new hosts. Health ...

Thyroid Cancer Incidence around the Belgian Nuclear Sites, 2000-2014.

Lodewijk; Van Nieuwenhuyse, An Source: Int J Environ Res Public Health, Volume 14, Issue 9 (2017) Keywords: ADOLESCENT Adult Age factors Aged Aged, 80 and over Belgium Child Child, Preschool Female Geography ...

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