Search results - 4 results

Evaluation of the potential health risks of substances migrating from polycarbonate replacement baby bottles.

the study, four baby bottles were considered of high concern because of the potential toxicity of migrating compounds. Health Topics:  Food contact materials Bisphenol A Food consumption and food safety ...

Study of the possible migration risks of food contact materials for children under 3 years

polymers for food contact materials for children younger than 3 years old (European Commission, regulation No. 10/2011). Furthermore, in a recent opinion, the Superior Health Council of Belgium expressed its ...

Evaluation of the migration of chemicals from baby bottles under standardised and duration testing conditions.

time, the migration of these compounds even became negligible. Health Topics:  Food consumption and food safety Food contact materials Bisphenol A Service:  Contaminants organiques et additifs Organische ...

Development and application of a non-target extraction method for the analysis of migrating compounds from plastic baby bottles by GC-MS.

was exceeded. Health Topics:  Food consumption and food safety Food contact materials Endocrine disruptors Bisphenol A Consommation et sécurité alimentaires Voedselconsumptie en –veiligheid Matériaux en contact ...

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