Search results - 4 results

Automatic detection of airborne pollen: an overview

This paper provides a comprehensive overview of all available and developing automatic instruments, how they measure, how they identify airborne pollen, what impacts measurement quality, as well as what ...

Environmental degradation and the increasing burden of allergic disease: The need to determine the impact of nitrogen pollution

present only aims to support the conservation of biodiversity and not to protect public health.  Improved policy measures may help to maintain the favorable conservation status of vulnerable habitats such ...

Towards standardisation of automatic pollen and fungal spore monitoring: best practises and guidelines

to site selection criteria. Despite no official standard yet existing, it is essential that all aspects of the measurement chain are carried out in a manner that is as standardised as possible to ...

Association between local airborne tree pollen composition and surrounding land cover across different spatial scales in Northern Belgium

February–May 2017, during the tree pollen season, airborne tree pollen were measured by passive sampling at 2 m height above ground-level in 14 sites in the Flanders and Brussels-Capital region (Belgium). ...

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