Search results - 5 results

A mixed methods study about health problems and drug use in Belgian prisons during 2021-2022

Publication Type: Scientific poster, presentation or proceeding Authors: E Plettinckx; Nina Harth; Elena Damian; Maarten Degreef; Nicky Dirkx; Stefaan de Smet; L. Gremeaux Source: European Journal of Public Health, Volume Volume 33, Issue Supplement_2, Du ...

Estimates of people who injected drugs within the last 12 months in Belgium- presentation

number of PWID in Belgium through a multiplier method using two existing treatment registers. After matching the three data sources, we identified 269 unique adult PWID in Brussels. Based on the selected ...

Applying and implementing future-oriented methods on a national level; towards enhanced policy and service preparedness to threats in the drugs domain

foresight research can contribute to national drug information systems for better preparedness and how it can be developed and implemented at national levels. Methods A combination of more traditional ...

COVID-19 and people who use drugs: Impact of the pandemic on general anxiety and depressive disorders among adults in Belgium.

and depressive disorders among PWUD. Furthermore, we wanted to compare the prevalence of these disorders with that of members from the general population who did not use drugs. METHODS: We used ...

Prevalence Estimation Of HCV Among People Who Inject Drugs In Belgium Through Respondent Driven Sampling, Capture-Recapture And Multiplier Method

Estimates about the number of people living with HCV in Belgium are rare and even less is known about the prevalence of HCV among PWID. Methods: Between February and April 2019, PWID were recruited in ...

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