Search results - 3 results

Introduction of WGS in food microbiology: advantages and challenges

implementation. As with the implementation of any method the validations of the WGS methodology requires a significant effort. Furthermore, the interpretation of the results should be done with care. Therefore, in ...

The burden of legionnaires’ disease in Belgium, 2013 to 2017

methodological approaches on burden estimates, illustrating that national burden of disease studies remain essential. Health Topics:  Burden of disease Fardeau de la maladie Ziektelast Food-borne illness ...

Global burden of intellectual disability resulting from prenatal exposure to methylmercury, 2015

Health Estimates methodology, and presented by 14 subregions. In 2015, the global total for MeHg-associated cases of ID was 226,655; 210,074 of these cases (93%) were mild cases of ID. The highest rate of ...

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