Search results - 5 results

Identification of Mycobacterium abscessus Subspecies by MALDI-TOF Mass Spectrometry and Machine Learning.

level. Moreover, an improved model with Spanish isolates was able to identify 88.9% of strains collected in other countries. In addition, differences in culture media, colony morphology, and geographic ...

Investigations upon the Improvement of Dermatophyte Identification Using an Online Mass Spectrometry Application.

spectrometry identification should take into account basic morphological and/or clinico-epidemiological features. Health Topics:  Health and disease monitoring Surveillance de la santé et des maladies Ziekten en ...

Unexpected mould diversity in clinical isolates from French Guiana and associated identification difficulties.

fungal diversity, such as French Guiana, routine mold identification tools are inadequate. Molecular identifications, as well as morphological descriptions, are necessary for the construction of ...

Evaluation of three MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry libraries for the identification of filamentous fungi in three clinical microbiology laboratories in Manitoba, Canada.

Identification (MSI) online library, and compared those results to conventional (morphological) and molecular (18S/ ITS; gold standard) identification methods. All 3 libraries demonstrated greater accuracy in ...

Nucleotide Sequence Database Comparison for Routine Dermatophyte Identification by Internal Transcribed Spacer 2 Genetic Region DNA Barcoding.

Abstract: Conventional dermatophyte identification is based on morphological features. However, recent studies have proposed to use the nucleotide sequences of the rRNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS) ...

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